Safe to Ride? : Covid-19 Concerns
Transporting our children and adults with special needs is a major issue to address with regards to the covid-19 pandemic. If schools and work programs open up in the fall, many children and adults depend on public and community transportation companies to carry them to their designated places. Before the pandemic, there was probably little thought given to how these individuals entered a vehicle, took their seat (that was sometimes quite close to another passenger) and were carried off to their destinations. What will this transporting process look like now? Have parents and caregivers been notified by their school districts or the transportation company about the precautions for health and safety that are being planned? Before the fall reopening date, parents hopefully will have information addressing new policies and procedures for transporting their loved ones. These policies and procedures should answer such questions as:
· How are drivers protecting themselves and their passengers?
· What health and safety measures facilitating social distancing for passengers have been established?
· Will there be available hand sanitizers and tissues with a location to dispose of them?
· Will face coverings be required? If so, how will exceptions for children and or adults with special needs who have low tolerance to face coverings or other health challenges be serviced?
· Will there be a bus monitor to assist with the health and safety processes implemented to ensure they are carried out?
There may be more questions to consider as you dialogue with representatives from your school district and community transportation companies. Paradigm Shift consultants are prepared to assist you as you explore these critical items regarding the health and safety of your loved ones. Just drop us an email or call to chat at: